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![]() FINLAY Fionnlagh | white warrior | English |
![]() CARLISLE Surname | fort, light | English |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Finlay Carlisle. ◖NICKNAME◗ Most friends call him Finn, colleagues call him Carlisle. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 5th November. ◖AGE◗ 27 years old. ◖ZODIAC◗ Scorpio. ◖NATIONALITY◗ British. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Auror, though he should probably take it a bit more seriously, but it's merely a stepping stone for him. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ Himself, the Ministry comes second. ◖RACE◗ Pure-blooded wizard. ◖SCHOOL & YEAR◗ Graduated. ◖HOUSE◗ Ravenclaw. ◖FAVOURITE SUBJECT◗ Arithmancy. |
◖HEIGHT◗ 1,89 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Physically well-defined, broad shouldered, a surprise underneath the suits truly. ◖EYES◗ Dark brown. ◖HAIR◗ Blonde, kept short. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Right-handed. ◖TRADEMARKS◗ His characteristic brown eyes, his tall and broad build, his jawline. ◖WAND◗ Maple wood with a dragon heartstring core. ◖PATRONUS◗ A mink. ◖BOGGART◗ Undisclosed. ◖AMORTENTIA◗ Undisclosed. ◖QUIDDITCH◗ He was a Chaser. |
◖SEXUALITY◗ Straight. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. ◖STRENGTHS◗ Maths and logic, keeping a straight face, broom control as well as spell control, following his own footsteps, talking, especially smooth-talking,, lying too. ◖WEAKNESSES◗ Not understanding, not just in class, but in general, being truthful, missing the details, Charms (mainly because the chaos of the class really is his greatest weakness), staying still. ◖LIKES◗ Being outside, his cat, mathematics and psychology, cigarettes, the muggle world, studying, both people and numbers, snow, a nice, new suit, long coats, morning tea (sometimes coffee), toast with butter, marmite too. ◖DISLIKES◗ Sweets, religion, his parents, Christmas, most holidays actually, most Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors are not his cup of tea either, being told what to do, bosses. ◖PET◗ A calico cat named Midge. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Justin Hartley. |
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RAVENCLAW BY HEART ________________ Finlay Carlisle was the firstborn son to the pure-blood wizards, Arthur and Esther Carlisle. Esther had married into the old family of the Carlisles and as she gave birth to a son, the couple quickly rose into favour among the otherwise large family tree. With a son, especially in such a strong union of such great Slytherin wizards, they could only be destined for greatness. While Finlay was planned, his younger brother Ainsley came as a surprise almost 7 years following him. They had planned for an only child, but nonetheless they welcomed the newborn son, for a son he was. As Finlay was about to turn 7, he was encouraged to feel a certain distance to the much younger child, a rival, even though he would no matter what be the oldest. That was never the case, as Ainsley was the first one that Finlay actually truly cared for. Up until that moment, he had been alone, of course with a number of younger cousins, but they were all the same ― bland and boring, so young and below him, but the brother, with whom he shared a natural bond, was different. Finlay grew up protecting the other, even when the younger one proved to be more than capable of taking care of himself, he still had his older brother to run to if needed. Both before and after gaining a brother, Finlay had little care for his parents' wishes. He quickly proved to be a mouthful and while his parents secretly rejoiced in his inability to follow their bidding, he was hard to control. Sure, he wanted to study, that's what he enjoyed the most, both the learning as well as the practising part. He also showed great prospects in sports, but he cared much less about physical advancements than his books. He was demanding, in many was a horrible child with the most horrible only child tendencies, which luckily grew slightly less extreme when he was no longer alone, but completely disappear they did not. He liked to be by himself, he liked to stay in his room and sit in the large windows surrounded by books. Of course, he enjoyed the occasional dinner party, he enjoyed conversing, even being the centre of attention at a very young age, taking a greater interest in the politics of the Wizarding world than the schemes that his cousins and his brothers would perform instead. He was the grown up of the children early on and getting his acceptance letter to Hogwarts was worth throwing a party for, even if it was expected for a pure-blooded wizard like himself. What happened when he arrived at Hogwarts, though, was not. The Carlisles bore a long-standing traditions of producing Slytherins as far back as they could detect: And Finlay broke this when he was sorted into Ravenclaw instead. He had never felt such a horrid feeling as when he was sorted into blue instead of green, even if he deep down knew that the Sorting Hat was right. It caused quite the commotion, at least when his parents found out, but there was nothing to do. Finlay would don the blue stripes and the eagle, whether he liked it or not. Firstly, it was blamed on his mother, but it quickly turned to him and he was mostly shunned from the family, labelled a somewhat black ― or rather blue ― sheep, simply because of the house he was sorted into. Nevertheless, he enjoyed school, both excelling in classes and quidditch. He hated going home, since home was a reminder of the natural failure he was even when he was no doubt one of the best. It did not matter, especially as he was about to finish his education, when Ainsley got sorted into Slytherin. If it wasn't bad enough, now it was all his fault. Not his mother's, not some twisted plot, no, the Carlisle line of Slytherins could continue, even if it was not with him. While he loved his brother unconditionally, it is definitely hard loving a 12-year-old brat who likes to smear it into your face that he is better than you, simply because of your sorting. Even so, Finlay did excel. He was popular, he was good in class, the teachers liked him ― even if he was definitely one to be cautious of ― and he wanted more. The knowledge that Hogwarts gave him was in many ways sufficient, but still not enough. As he finished Hogwarts, he did the absolute unthinkable, which was a surprise as you would have thought he already did that by somehow getting sorted into Ravenclaw: He wanted to get a muggle degree. A mere muggle degree in psychology. The minds of humans, wizards or muggles alike, was something he found curious and it was an excellent opportunity to escape the family as well as observe something completely unique, giving him a position above all others, at least in his opinion. Accepted into Oxford, he yet again excelled. Surely, he missed Hogwarts as even the old muggle university cannot compare to the wizarding school, but it was fun enough. He had always planned on going back into the Wizarding world when he finished and use this degree to his advantage, for even if many saw it as a waste of time, certain people at the Ministry understood the interesting aspects that he could provide. While the war raged, Finlay was at his best age to join the front line, both magical and muggle, yet he managed to escape more or less wholeheartedly, even as a newly elected auror. His family, a secret supporter of Grindelwald's grand plot, wanted him to join, follow the wizard and prove useful once again, but he chose not to. Becoming an auror was really the final drop for the family, as it was seen as a choice to go against them, even if they could not publicly shun him as that would be the same as to publicly support Grindelwald. Finlay did not have time to care, though, as he was quickly sent off, making him taste the soot, he even fought off a few dark wizards, but today he would say that he experienced very little action. It's simply easier and people stop asking questions if you pretend that you cowardly escaped the battlefield, when he just doesn't want to think about it anymore. Now, the war is over. Finlay is still an auror, but he does very little hunting. Instead, he spends his time researching on the Ministry's behalf, keeping the title of an auror mainly because of the war. Finlay does what he wants for who he wants to do it, all under the excuse of science and research, something that he is quite content with. He never stays put, keeps everything casual, and hasn't seen his family in a long time, but since they have no interest in seeing him either, he has no complains. The Carlisle family is slightly disgraced, but managed to go through the war almost unharmed, which only increased the dissatisfaction with Finlay, as he is seen as someone who escaped when he shouldn't ahve. Finlay doesn't care, though. As long as he can do what he wants, he won't care. |
○ C H A R M I N G
adj. | charm·ing Having an often mysterious or magical power to attract. Finlay has always been incredibly charming. He knows what to say, how to say it, how to act and he can easily adjust this based on those around him, yet it still feels natural. He knows what he's doing and this is probably the one trait that he can thank his parents for really building up with all those dinner parties, where they forced him to pretend to actually care. He certainly has a natural gift for it as well, he simply draws people to him, even before he gives off that smile of his. There's just something to him, even if it also feels slightly off, as if he's a bit dangerous, but yet so appealing. |
○ C Y N I C A L
adj. | cyn·i·cal Having or showing a deep distrust of human beings and their motives. Who can blame him from having a rather cynical point of view with such a family? His research and his job has surely not made it any better, and since he knows that no one should trust him and yet they do, since he keeps deceiving them, he cannot help but project that distrust onto others as well. If he knows that even he himself cannot be trusted, why should others be trusted? He has learnt that it is better to not trust at all, it is easier to move on and care less in that way. |
○ I N T E L L I G E N T
adj. | in·tel·li·gent Having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity. Finlay is extremely intelligent and has always been so. He prefers books over people, though people are interesting subject matters that can make a book so much more interesting. He has always had a thing for the more logical aspects of the world, both magical and not. Spells came easy to him, so did mathematics, which is something he would like to project onto people, even if that has proven somewhat more difficult. People are just pawns to him, though, a matter of logic as well which moves according to a subconscious level that he is aware of and that he can use to his benefit. He is cunningly intelligent, which is almost more scary. |
○ A M B I T I O U S
adj. | am·bi·tious Having a strong desire for personal advancement. Finlay has always had ambitions for himself to move forward and keep moving in that direction. This is probably the main reason why everyone believed that he would be sorted into Slytherin, since he has always been quite clear about how far he wants to go in order to advance himself. Yet, he goes through other means, he is much more cunning about his ambitions, which yet again makes them scarier. He has no end goal as of now, but he wants to do better, to be better, to be someone you know simply because of what he has done. |